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If you’re ready to transform your life and embrace a healthier, happier you, it’s time to take action with a Health and Wellness Life Coach by your side. Here’s your call to action:

Dear Prospective Client,

Welcome, I hope this invitation finds you in good health and high spirits. At a Health and Wellness Life Coaching Discovery Call, we can explore how life coaching can support you in achieving your health and wellness goals and improve your overall well-being.

During this discovery call, we’ll have the opportunity to:

  1. Discuss Your Goals: Share your health and wellness aspirations, challenges, and what you envision for your future well-being.
  2. Understand Coaching Process: Learn about the coaching process, methodologies, and the personalized approach I use to support clients in their transformative journeys.
  3. Address Your Questions: Feel free to ask any questions or voice concerns you may have about the coaching experience, expectations, or anything else related to your goals.
  4. Explore Potential Benefits: Discover how working with a Health and Wellness Life Coach can empower you to make positive lifestyle changes and enhance your quality of life.

This call is a chance for us to connect, get to know each other, and determine if we are a good fit to work together towards your health and wellness objectives.

Date and Time: [Proposed Date and Time] [Your Time Zone]

Location: I will send you a Virtual Meeting Link/or Phone Number

If for some reason there is a change to your initial schedule and you need to suggest an alternative time, please let me know. I’m committed to accommodating your schedule to ensure this discussion is convenient and beneficial for you.

To confirm your attendance, kindly respond to my email, you cannot also prepare any questions you may have. I’m looking forward to our conversation and the possibility of supporting you on your journey to a healthier and happier life.

Best regards,

Marilyn Mars

Certified Health and Wellness Life Coach


Tel: 347-485-8575

man using macbook
Discovery Call Scheduling Form


Our Coaching Packages